
Name Paloma - Meaning of origin

Name Paloma - Meaning of origin

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Origin of first name:


Meaning of the name:

Means "the pigeon" in Spanish, symbol of tenderness and sweetness. It spread in France thanks to the notoriety of Paloma Picasso, daughter of the great painter. This name was associated with the Virgin Mary in Spain in the 16th century. Seduced?


English singer-songwriter and actress Paloma Faith; the fashion designer, French-Spanish businesswoman, daughter of Pablo Picasso, Paloma Picasso; Brazilian actress Paloma Duarte; American singer Paloma Ford or American actress and model Paloma Guzmán.

The Paloma are celebrated with Saint Colombe, a Spanish princess converted to Christianity, under the Emperor Aurelian in the third century, or on August 5 in honor of Our Lady of the Palombe.

His character :

Paloma has a strong personality and a disarming outspokenness. Of a direct nature, the others take it for an authoritarian person. And they are not completely wrong ... Indeed, Paloma gets carried away easily, but it's a way for her to hide her lack of self-confidence. Very independent and autonomous, Paloma hates being dictated to him. If she is surrounded by love and understanding, she will be able to flourish and you will discover a being with infinite sweetness.



His party :

The 31st of December.

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